
Movies & Memories 2021

The Torch Theatre are showing Movies & Memories screenings designed to suit the needs for elderly people living with dementia and memory loss with their family, friends and carers.

The screenings will be set in a relaxed environment with lights stayed on and the sound is turned down with a special offer of tea or coffee and cakes or biscuits. Patrons can sing along to songs in musical numbers. There are no trailers and adverts. Patrons are free to move about during the screenings. Hearing loops or hearing aids and headphones are available.

Please note there is a short interval during the screening with ice cream available to buy.

The trained staff at The Torch will also be on hand to give the elderly people a very warm welcome.

On Thursday 18th November 2021 the Movies & Memories is showing a 20th Century Fox [20th Century Studios] musical “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” at 2:00pm. 

Film Certificates

U Film Certificates

Name of Film

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

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