
About the Team

About the Team

Current Members

My name is Dan and I am the team leader of Access Pembrokeshire. I am in charge of the team and I support them in work by helping to provide them with new tasks and by making sure I am always available to help when I am needed, I enjoy my role in the website as it helps to build my confidence and is a very rewarding experience in general.

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My name is Sian and I enjoy working with the LD website team, I like working on the website because I come up with new ideas. I also work in the Pembrokeshire County Council in the Social Services department where I scan documents, save them on to CareFirst and shred the original documents.

Click here to read more about an article about launching Access Pembrokeshire website

My name is Mark,  I enjoy doing the LD website because it keeps me confident and independent. My hobbies are reading books and going to the cinema.

Former Members

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My name is Jordan and I work on the LD website team, I enjoy working on the website because it allows me to think of creative ways to design the website.

My name is Matthew, I enjoy doing photography and drumming. I enjoy doing the LD website because it gives me extra skills in life.

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